June 2024 Kesem Connection

Our seniors will do anything to fundraise for camp! We’re happy to send them off to adulthood… but not without getting pied in the face for Kesem!

We are still looking for a photographer! Do you know someone who would be a great fit to be our photographer at camp? Contact [email protected] to apply to the job!

Friends and Family Day was a HUGE success! Our counselors got to see 25 new and old faces, and spent the day enjoying the great weather and getting everyone into the spirit of camp! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again really soon!

Congratulations to our first ever Kesem Pet Photo Contest winner: Nongpo! Thanks to Nongpo, we raised over $250!

INTRODUCING OUR NEW DIRECTORS FOR CAMP KESEM AT UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND FOR 2024-2025! Geyser and Saffron are going to make our chapter proud!

Kesem Warm & Fuzzies, Matcha and Emi
Contact us with any questions at:
[email protected]